Five State Power Companies in Rajasthan

#dailyquizadda #RVUN #RVPN #JVVN #AVVN #JdVVN

The history of power development in Rajasthan goes back to the year 1949, when 19 princely states merged to form Rajasthan. At that time, electric power was confined to very few towns and electricity was considered a luxury. The total number of towns and villages electrified at that time did not exceed 42 and the installed generating capacity was only 13.27 MW. However, with the formation of Rajasthan State Electricity Board (RSEB) on 1st july 1957, power sector in Rajasthan received priority and power projects began to mushroom all over State.
Initially there was a one comman board for electricity distribution which is Rajasthan State Electricity Board before 19-July-2007. But after this  date this board unbundled into five power companies, which are owned by Goverment of Rajasthan. These power companies are engaged in the fields of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of electricity in State.

 These five Power Companies are all set to ensure supply of 2487 quality, reliable and affordable power to all citizens of Rajasthan.These compaies has very good remuneration, apart from attractive facilies, as compared to similar Power Utilities in India.
