What are the changes in SSC CGL 2019-20?

#dailyquizadda #targetcgl2019

  • In SSC CGL 2019, all the candidates shortlisted in the Tier 1 exam will appear for Tier 2 and Tier 3 exams. It means that a candidate qualifying the Tier 1 exam will appear for both Tier 2 & Tier 3 exams.
  • The exam date for Tier 2 & Tier 3 is 22.06.2020 to 25.06.2020.
  • Candidates will have to prepare for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 exam simultaneously.
  • However, the evaluation of Tier 3 Descriptive exam will be done only if a candidate clears the combined cut off for Tier 1 and Tier 2. So, you may appear for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 exams but your Tier 3 answer sheets will be evaluated only if you clear the cut-off.
  • The candidates who are not qualified in Tier-II will not be eligible for evaluation of Tier-III and they will not be considered for the further selection process.
  • Based on the marks scored in Tier-I i.e. CBE, candidates will be shortlisted, category-wise, to appear in CGL Tier-II and Tier-III Exam.
  • Separate cut-offs will be fixed for Paper-III of Tier-II (i.e. for the post of JSO and Statistical Investigator Grade-II), Paper-IV of Tier-II (i.e. for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer) and for Paper-I + Paper-II of Tier-II (i.e. for all other posts)
  • In Tier-II, all the candidates will be required to appear in Paper-I and Paper-II.
  • However, only specific candidates shortlisted for the posts of JSO/ Statistical Investigator and Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer will be required to appear in Paper-III and Paper-IV respectively.
  • There are some changes in the eligibility criteria of the SSC CGL 2019 as well. Candidates can click on the link to check the changes in eligibility criteria: Check Changes in Eligibility criteria 
 Comparison between SSC CGL 2019 & SSC CGL 2018

Earlier, the candidates qualified in Tier 1 used to appear in Tier 2 and then based on the combined performance, only the selected candidates used to appear in Tier 3. The process has now been changed to increase the efficiency of the overall selection process. Due to the various stages, the selection process was tiresome and time-consuming. As the SSC CGL 2019 notification is already delayed, this step must be taken to decrease the time duration of the conduction of SSC CGL exams. Check out the flow chart of SSC CGL 2019 & 2018 Selection Process:

As seen from the above flow chart, one step in the selection process is reduced and it can be expected that the SSC will complete its selection process earlier than before.

#dailyquizadda #targetcgl2018


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